Welcome to Unity Spiritual Center
"A Gathering Place for Spiritual Growth"
Unity Spiritual Center is a Center for Practical Spirituality based on the Truth Principles that span the test of time; they reflect the laws of the universe.
A principle is a rule of law that applies to all people, everywhere, all the time. Spiritual Principles work the same way.
The Unity movement claims no corner on Spiritual Truths; these principles show up in every major religion; All great teachers & philosophers such as Jesus, Buddha, and so many more taught these same Truths. There are many paths but only one God.
Unity teachings reflect the best of all worlds; practical Christianity, teachings of the East and West and the philosophy of such men and women such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Emmet Fox, and Emma Curtis Hopkins.
We invite you join us for a fun-filled inspiring Sunday Celebration and experience the warmth and friendship of like-minded people.
Blessings & Joy
Reverend Aubree-Lynn

Her Vision
To be a part of a heart-centered Church/Center and surrounding spiritual community where the gifts given to me by Spirit instill, inspire, and motivate people to be more and give more. To strive to be the best that they can be . . . one heartbeat and baby step at a time.
To provide a welcome, safe, “Circle of Love”. Where all individuals care and support each other while at the same time experiencing uplifting, life-supporting, spiritual growth for themselves, family, friends, community, and the world at large.
Her Leadership Style
“Leaders Eat Last,” but lead by example. I believe that God is at the top, in the center, in, around, and through all beings.
The Minister, Board, Staff and Prayer Partners, the congregants, the volunteers, are all equal… no one is at the top, except The Creator. From there we all move in and through expressing uniquely as the One.